A.B.E.T. Queensland

Aussie Boats for East Timor is a completely non-profit, non-political,
non-denominational organisation dedicated to helping
the peoples of East Timor rebuild their lives.


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Timorese History

Where In The World Is East Timor?

Below is a map showing where the tiny country of East Timor is. You can see that they are close neighbors to Australia.

A Brief History of East Timor

In recent times East Timor, a small country occupied by Indonesia in 1975, decided to hold a referendum to press for independence. In doing so they unleashed a wave of savagery from anti independence militia and other forces. Thousands were killed or merely 'disappeared'.

An East Timorese man grieves for his ruined country
(courtesy of TIME Magazine)

East Timorese woman after the 'Cemetery Massacre'

The referendum was an overwhelming vote for independence but the brutality and murder continued. East Timor was looted and burnt until almost everything was either stolen or destroyed.

Finally the United Nations sent Australian troops to stop the slaughter and to help restore the Civil Government, through elections, to this totally ruined country.

Because of our close proximity with East Timor, and the fact that Aussies have already become involved in this situation, we feel it is our duty as caring individuals and neighbors to organise a movement to help them rebuild their country.

ABET has chosen to help by building boats for them to regrow their economy and restore their pride and independence.

Complete Information on East Timor

To obtain a complete history of East Timor and what is currently happening there,
please follow the links below:
Official East Timor Website or TimorAid
or Canadian Defence Department Reports

Please read on ...

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by contributing your time and expertise or monetary donations,
or donating in some other way to this worthy cause,
please click on the button below to join us today.

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