That's why we're called the FAN-Antics!! :)
Please come back often to see what's new and have FUN with Joe!
Here at FAN-Antics it's all about YOU, Joey's FANs!!
We want you to come here to participate and have fun!
We have polls on many pages for you to tell us what YOU think, as well as a newsletter
coming soon to keep you informed about updates and new things to do and see here.
And we can't wait to see your Joey FANFics and FANArt, so send them in!
SLAMBOOK is Here!!
Yet another awesome interactive feature, our newest is our SlamBook!!!
We've got some great questions for you to answer, so click below and start right in!
[[ Sign Our Slambook! ]] [[ View Our Slambook! ]]
Feeling PLAYFUL??
Want to play some cool games - all with a Joey theme, of course!!
Well, then you came to the right place! :-)
You can either play Hangman or put together some puzzles
of a few of our favorite Joe pics - NOT found elsewhere on this site!!
Ready?? Then click on one of the links below and have FUN!!
All games open in a new window!
LYRICS for Joe's Songs!
Well, this is something that's been a long time coming,
but we finally have the lyrics to the songs on one of
Joe's most popular albums - Soulmates!!
Conveniently enough, this also happens to be the album
we are currently featuring on Joe's Music page in our jukebox!!
So now you can put on the tunes and sing along
with Joe! Can't get much better than that! :-)
The Lyrics page will open in a new window,
so you can go to the Music page and play a tune
and then call up the Lyrics page and sing along!
Just click here to start your interactive
Magical Musical Tour with Joe - Lyrics!!
Joey Cards are HERE!!
Now you can send FREE e-cards to your friends and family
with pictures of your favorite hunk on them!! ;-)
Click here to Send a Joey Card today!!
Joe's Photo Album
Hey, we've started a Joe's Photo Album and our first series is screenshots from Joe's movie Romantic Comedy 101 that were provided to us by Terry Clark (Fanneliboy)!! So if you've seen this movie, come and relive your favorite moments from it and if you haven't seen it yet, come check out the pics - and then you'll want to see it!! ;-)
Just click here ... Joe's Photo Album
Adopt a Joey!
And have you ever wanted a Joey of your very own??
Well, now you can have him by participating in our favorite feature ... Adopt Joey!!
Adopt YOUR very own Joey today! ;)
Are you a fan of Joey's TV work in Blossom, Brotherly Love or Gimme a Break?
Or do you love his performances in movies such as Urban Legends 2, Shipwrecked or Horse Sense?
We'd love to hear from you!!
We add new Polls all the time - there's a new one now on the TV page!! - and be sure to check out our FanArt page where we have Joe Art submitted by his fans!! And don't forget to check out Joe's Jukebox on the Music page where you can listen to some great Joe Tunes! Check 'em out!!
And don't forget to sign up on our Mailing List so you can receive YOUR Joey News every month!
Click to subscribe to JoeScoop
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Hey, look!! We won an Award!! :-)
Oh Boy!! Another Award!! :-)
If you have any questions or comments,
or when you have something to contribute to our site,
please e-mail me at:
Kelly Dunn
Home | Bio | TV | Movies | Music | Adopt Joey | FANArt | FANFic | Links
Site Design and Graphics © 1999 - 2003 by Perfect Sites Web Design
Site Owner, Webmaster and fellow Joey Fan:
Kelly Dunn
© 2001 - 2003