Story One Written by ShamanAlti
Oh WOW - Our First FANFic!!
My awesome roomie made this just for us to read and enjoy!
Check it out and then take the poll following to let us know what you think about it, ok?
Truth or Fiction? Ever wondered what really happens when you lay in your bed dreaming? In your waking life you remember the small things you do, and the highlights become some of your most memorable moments that you find yourself cherishing more with each year that goes by. But what about when you are asleep and dreaming?It is like you are living in two worlds, one in which you are awake, and one in which you are asleep. Are we really limited to the waking world? Or is there another universe out there where time does not remain the same? Perhaps when you put your head on your pillow after a long day, a portal opens up in your conscience and you are able to leave your body to travel anywhere you set your mind to. Maybe dreams are not limited to the imagination of a person's thoughts, but maybe - just maybe - another world opens up and gives you access to magical worlds out there that are waiting to be discovered. Now I was nearing the moment when I would find out if dreams can become reality, or if it is just our minds working overtime - never resting even when our bodies lie deep in slumber ... I had been hired by this person who was having strange experiences while she was sleeping. Her name is Lisa Palmery. Lisa had called me to ask me to help her find out why these strange things happen to her while she sleeps. Now, I am what they would call a dream dancer - my gift enables me to enter a person's mind while they are in the dreamscape and I am able to see, hear and experience the things they dream about. Sort of like a recorder or a video camera inside a person's mind. I started out by moving closer to Lisa and placing my hands on her temples and slowing down my breathing. Then I sat down and focused on Lisa's breathing. I felt myself becoming lighter and transparent as I slowly left my body and entered hers. I heard laughter and opened my mind's eyes. I could see all around me, and moving silently, I walked around passing images until I came to what I was looking for. I would watch and see what the outcome of this dream would be. No one could see me or sense me, which was good. I would not want to distract anyone and cause Lisa to wake up before it began. I watched as the dream took form and a scene was taking place right in front of me in the same way a story would begin. Lisa was laughing and in happy spirits, she was enjoying herself in this magical place. She danced around with several people smiling and enjoying themselves, the scene was just like one of those Cinderella stories and they were at a ball. There was a band playing merrily and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Everything seemed to be according to the time slot except for the band. The music seemed far too modern for such an historical time as this. But no one seemed to take notice of this - after all, this was Lisa's dream. Perhaps the onlookers were sharing Lisa's dream, perhaps not. I decided to focus on one thing in particular - the band and the man who was the lead singer of that out of time band. What better than to focus on what seemed out of place here? I watched the singer and noticed how he kept looking Lisa's way, and I smiled - this was a romance in the making. I looked at Lisa and saw her smile and blush when she noticed the cute singer looking at her in a dreamy manner. The singer motioned for someone else to take his place on the stage and made his way towards Lisa. Soon they were standing within inches of each other. Their eyes were gazing deeply into each other's souls. The singer spoke up first, breaking the silence between them. "Want to take a walk with me?" He reached his hand out for her to take. She smiled and nodded. Taking his hand, the pair walked away from the music and the crowd and made their way outside. They started walking along a sidewalk lined on either side with trees, their branches forming an archway over their heads, that led to a charming gazebo looking out over a lovely little lake. There were two graceful swans swimming in the still water. The sky was clear and the moon was full. Beautiful red roses climbed the trellis that bordered the gazebo, and the singer picked one of the roses and put it in Lisa's hair. They stood for a moment in the gazebo and then began to dance to the sound of their hearts beating in their chests. She shivered, and he paused, and looking down at her he realized she was shivering because the air was chilly. He took off his jacket and put it over her shoulders. Lisa smiled in appreciation. He gathered her into his arms and bent his head to smell her hair. "I've missed you", he whispered gently. Lisa sighed and moved closer to his body. "Oh Joey, I wish we could stay together like this forever!" He cupped her chin with his hand and brought it up so he could meet her lips with his. They kissed slowly and deeply. Each of them wanted this to last longer, and Lisa became frustrated knowing that as much as she wanted it to last, she would be waking up soon. She wished this was really happening - she did not want this to be just any dream. I felt my soul being pulled back to my body. I knew that Lisa would wake up soon, and I wanted to be there for her when she woke up. I felt a rush of air as it was being placed back into my body, and woke up sitting next to Lisa. Her eyes opened and she looked at me. Then she smiled and gasped when she saw that there, on a chair in her bedroom, was Joey's jacket! She knew it had not been there before and was shocked at the sight. I looked over to where she was staring and smiled to myself. Now I finally knew what was going on with Lisa and why strange things happened to her when she was asleep. Was it really a dream? Or is something else happening here? Disclaimer: Of course I do not OWN ANY of these characters except for Lisa Palmery. |