Let's all take part in some reviews
and share your opinions of Joe's movies!!
What do you know about Joe's movies? Have you seen them? Did you like them?
We want your opinions and feelings on the movies Joey has been in!
We'll pick a different movie every month, and work our way down the list!
Then we'll be able to see what movies all of us like!
If you'd like to suggest a movie for our poll,
just e-mail me using one of the links at the bottom of every page!
Interview with Joe!
Hey, wanna watch a video of an interview with Joe on his movie Urban Legends: Final Cut?
Then just click here: Interview with Joe!
Sign the Petition!
A fellow Joe Fan has asked for our help! She has started a petition to convince Disney to release Jumping Ship on DVD. If you'd like to see Jumping Ship on DVD too, please click the link below to sign the petition! There is also a comments box where you can add any other messages, such as additional Disney or Joe films/programs that you would like to be released on DVD or Video. Stand up for your rights and sign the petition today!
To view a complete list of Joe's movies, including a lot of info on each of them,
just click on the link below:
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And don't forget to sign up on our Mailing List so you can receive YOUR Joey News every month!
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If you have any questions or comments,
or when you have something to contribute to our site,
please e-mail me at:
Kelly Dunn
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Site Design and Graphics © 1999 - 2003 by Perfect Sites Web Design
Site Owner, Webmaster and fellow Joey Fan:
Kelly Dunn
© 2001 - 2003