Are you a fanfiction author?
Do you need a place to show off your Joe story??
Feel free to email them to me and
I'd be more than glad to post them here! :)
I'm interested in seeing your stories and poems!
Be sure to scroll down and read all of our FANFics!!
And for those of you sharpening your pencils,
maybe you'll be inspired to write something of your own!! :)
And be sure to take the Polls following the fics -
We want to know your opinion!! Read the FANFics and VOTE NOW!!
For our first FANFic feature we've decided to play MadLibs!!
Just fill in all the spaces below
and click on the button to read YOUR FANFic story!!
TIP: If you put an [ ing ] at the end of all your VERBS it will sound a lot funnier!! :)
We now have a wonderful collection of FANFics sent in by our fellow Joe FANS!
There is an intriguing story which poses a question for you to ponder
and some lovely and heartfelt poems!
We even have some Polls following them, so you can tell us if you liked them
and which ones were your favorites!
To view a FANfic, just click on a link below, which will open in a new window.
Then when you are finished reading, just click the Close Window
at the bottom of the page to return here and read another!
FANFic 1 - Truth or Fiction? - A Short Story by ShamanAlti
FANFic 2 - A Poetry Collection - by Fina
FANFic 3 - Alive - A Poem by Kelly Dunn
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If you have any questions or comments,
or when you have something to contribute to our site,
please e-mail me at:
Kelly Dunn
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Site Owner, Webmaster and fellow Joey Fan:
Kelly Dunn
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