Artwork by Luke Barker Oil Paintings Pastel Paintings Graphite Paintings About Me Contact Me
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What is LukeLand?

Hi! My name is Luke Barker. Welcome to my online gallery!
And what, you may be asking yourself, is LukeLand?

It's really quite simple - Lukeland is where the inspiration for all my work comes from! It is where I reside mentally when I'm painting, where I get ideas for my subjects, where I formulate what colors to use and what medium would best suit that painting!

So whenever I am painting, or thinking about painting or forming ideas for paintings, that is where you will find me. You might say that LukeLand is where all my paintings are conceived, born and grow up!

Unfortunately, I can be found in LukeLand at almost any given time, whether or not I am in my studio, which tends to make me seem slightly unfocused to a stranger. It is therefore used as a reference to where I am mentally if I'm caught 'daydreaming', and try to rejoin a conversation 5 or so conversation topics late!

So, if you call my name and I don't answer right away,
you'll know where I am - LukeLand!

I enjoy working with different mediums including oils, pastels, and graphite. The subjects of my works are even more diversified, painting Fine Art, Portraiture, Caricature, CD Cover Illustrations, Murals and Private Commissions for both individuals and interior design companies.

Being an Australian artist provides me with many wonderful animals and nature scenes for my paintings, as well as portraits and the many other subjects I choose to paint.

So, please take a tour of my online Gallery Space and if you see something you like or like something you see, please let me know! I only have a very small fraction of my artwork uploaded at this time, but I am adding more weekly, so please bookmark my site and check back often. There are e-mail links at the bottom of every page, and I also have a short Online Form to fill out if you'd like to purchase one of the paintings you see here or request a Private Commission for a painting, portrait, mural, caricature or other artwork.

Enjoy your journey thru LukeLand!

E-Mail me at: Luke Barker

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